Top 10 Comic Book Movies

(Warning this contains spoilers for The Dark Knight Rises and probably other films- but you should have seen them by now!)

A colourful cast.
10. X-men: First Class

It has a great script set in an important moment in history, a stylish new direction with the time setting and a better more rounded cast of characters and powers than the other trilogy. This is one of my favorite X-men films for that reason.

9. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

Guillermo Del Toro recreates the perfect fantastical horror imagery as found in the comics. Making it both a world you want to immerse yourself in but also one that can turn around and eat the bones out of your body. Although the first film probably captures it better than this, I preferred the family/ team aesthetics in this second film. Not to mention Toro really gets to flex his creative muscles creating endless creatures for that market scene. It just feels more over the top with the action- more comic book like. Also <3 Johan Kraus.

There's just something so kooky about these particular
characters on screen.

Proving he unmasks to much by
doing it on a poster too.
8. Spider-man 2

The reason why the first film didn't make the list, I'll get to that later. This one is another that packs more of an emotional punch. Peter Parker burning the candle at both ends so much that his powers go on the fritz. He realises people need him and he comes back with a purpose. Even when he unmasks to the entire train load of people and they promise to keep the secret it strikes a chord with your emotions. The themes of heroism and redemption with Doc Ock are never attempted in the source material so it's always nice to be surprised when watching a film (as with the first when it's MJ getting chucked off the bridge by Goblin).

Cumming all over the place. INNUENDO!
7. X2: The Last Stand

After one mutant commits a crime they are all targeted. The themes of hatred and fear to what you don't understand echo throughout the trilogy but this is an improvement on the first, and I hate what they did to the Phoenix so much that it tarnishes the rest of the action in the third film. This film has two really great action sequences the first being Nightcrawler's attack on the president the second being Stryker's raid on the Institute, and the youngsters fighting back. This film sees the good and bad having to work together.

Most believable romance in a comic book adaptation. 
6. The Amazing Spider-man

This is the reason I now feel nothing for the original Spider-man first installment. The way they subtly hinted at things that didn't need repeating from the first film but the amount of genuine love that Peter and Gwen show for each other. The moment when Cpt. Stacy finds Peter unmasked and allows him to save his daughter. The amount of character pieces in it almost dwarf the villain in the film. Although suffering from some dodgy "lizard" CGI moments it ultimately redeems itself by being so stylishly shot.

RDJ fits the role almost too well.
5. Iron Man

The first of the Marvel Studios films that led to the Avengers and in my opinion the best. Robert Downey Junior is a favorite actor of mine. I was blown away by how well he fits the role. It was almost like Stan Lee had made it for him personally since the 60's. The Action was perfect, and his feelings for Pepper seem genuine and stunted at the same time. You get the sense that his kidnap ordeal genuinely changed him. It was a real shame the studio was rushed into making the sequel and I hope the third "Extrimis" based one will set that right.

Love it when Bane has his mask knocked off and just
goes psycho punching through brick walls etc.
4. The Dark Knight Rises

The end(?) of the trilogy. Wether they carry on the narrative or start a fresh. They went where no Batman story ever has before. They gave Bruce closure. They gave him a happy ending. He is no longer moping about his parents deaths. This is what closure feels like. And wow what a way to do Robin. A combination of several comic ones. Blake sounds like Drake, he's lost his parents, kills someone on screen during the film and also figures out Bruce is Batman. Not to mention Talia gets some kinky time with Bruce so assuming she faked her death and escaped there could be another time jump for 8 years and lo and behold we can have a big screen Damian Wayne. Ohh I got shivers. Personally I'd carry it on with Robin Blake assuming a vigilante position and joining the Justice league but he is swamped in some over the top doomsday scenario and Bruce has to come back at that point. Gotham may not need Batman but the World does now- it would be a great fix to that ending. But enough speculating, this film seems less cinematic gold than the first sequel, but the over the top action at the end with the war between the criminals and police is so climactic that it's a fitting and explosive finale to all three films. Also Alfred makes me do manly tears.

A surprising number 3? Was it your cup of tea?
3. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Comics, video games, romance. What's not to like? It takes it's theme and almost creates it wholly on screen. Changing the latter half from the comics originals to fit the movie audience better. It is so stylised that it feels like no adaptation or film has ever done before. It makes it's own rules and the action is spot on. Above all else it is insanely fun and enjoyable to watch. To some people who don't get it, it is the film equivalent of marmite but to me it's just the best.

Ledger's Joker is one of the best
acting performances of all time. 
2. The Dark Knight

An excellent film where not a single second of screen time is wasted. It's intricately plotted and the Joker steels the show. It's not just the perfect comic book movie, it's arguably the perfect movie full stop. But why oh why haven't you given it the top spot then?! Well that's just me personally. I've said it before and here it is again. I prefer my heroes bright and fantastical, I prefer them out of this world and flying around sky scrapers etc. not running around the shadows fighting murderers and madmen, I want them defending the planet. I don't want reminding sickos like this ACTUALLY exist, I want escapism. It's a great film but it's not a happy/ feel good one. That's why...

1. The Avengers (Assemble)

The Avengers gets my top spot. While juggling the already large cast we get introduced to even more characters and Hawkeye, Black Widow, Fury and Coulson get fully fleshed out characters. The film has an out of this world bad guy teaming with an existing one. The action steadily plods along and climaxes with the team coming together to fix the hellicarrier and then has this great big thunderous encore with the Avengers assembling to fight the Chituari in a full scale battle for NYC! They give every character perfect lines and perfect amounts of screen time. My only niggle is that Cap doesn't get enough time to shine at what he's best at, leading. He should be leading them, but there still hasn't been a chance for him to adjust to the modern world, and I'm hoping he will assume this role more in the eventual sequels to his own and the team franchises. It often takes a movie to do what the comics could never figure out, they went ahead and made the Hulk enjoyable. They showed him enjoying being the Hulk and controlling or rather channeling his anger. He stole most of the major laughs in the film. There are so many fanboy moments here too. Things like Cap throwing Widow off his shield, Iron Man bouncing his lasers off it and Hulk trying to lift Mjolnir. TDK might have being a perfect film but The Avengers got everything right for a big screen comic book feel.

Went out of my way to find one with Johansson facing front, to avoid
sexism jibes. Even RDJ's head covers the Hulks but. No sexiness allowed, gang!

Somewhat overused and miss used by rioters and the like
nowadays. But hey, it's mainstream now so who cares. 
Honourable Mentions:

Superman for making emotion a big part of superhero movies from the get go, as well as the first realistic effects. X-men for daring not to go leather not spandex. Batman Begins for making superheroes believable and serious. Captain America by Marvel Studios for having the hero with the biggest heart, and being my second favorite Avengers prequel. Spiderman for the first time seeing him web swing through New York. Daredevil for not being THAT bad in my opinion. Losers, Wanted and Kick Ass for making really fun action films. Plus V for Vendetta for making that mask go mainstream. I'm probably forgetting some but I'm just so happy that people are really embracing the characters and helping the superhero genre and comics medium go a bit more mainstream.
Top 10 Comic Book Movies Top 10 Comic Book Movies Reviewed by Matt on 03:25:00 Rating: 5

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