We'll Be Right Back

Due to the demands of working a 43 hour week at my day job (note: more like 60 hours) COFB will be taking a short break. We will be back after the Easter break. Simply put, all hell breaks loose when the store shuts for a single day. People buy copious amounts of food that they will almost definitely be binning at home. It's apocalypse style, tipping shelves full of food into their shopping trollies. I'm working a lot more than normal and in a weeks time I find out if I've got a job still or not (note: I've got a mortgage and an upcoming wedding to pay for regardless). You can imagine that doing a management restructure at the second busiest time of the year would be stupid and needlessly stressful. That's because it is.

Anyone know of any comic or creative jobs going in Hull, UK or any work from home style stuff- give me a call!

So we will be straight back into the swing of things with Batman V Superman review, the last instalments of the Civil War countdown and Info about the Infinity Stones. Plus lots more opinion and review goodness. There's also a very good chance of some more guest writers appearing here soon. So watch this space.

See you in a fortnight.

We'll Be Right Back We'll Be Right Back Reviewed by Matt on 08:29:00 Rating: 5

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