Farscape #16

I was always a fan of the show and I was craving new stories for ages. I've been reading these from the start of the mini series (even though the stories carry on through each) and into the ongoing title. I am so glad this has lasted. Plus one of my favorite artists from the earlier mini series has been doing the ongoing from the start. Will Sliney has a great graphic style.
As for story I believe it is the original series creator who is writing or at least plotting. So what we are getting here is a Buffy series 8 style continuation.
The current tale is spanning everything in the Farscape universe in an event called the War for the Uncharted Territories. About the gang rallying the galaxy against and an unknown super advanced race called the Kkore. It has introduced a bounty hunter named Roiin, whom Chianna has fallen for. It's every bit as fun and enjoyable as the series is.
This issue amps it up some more. Scorpius who has been working with the Kkore for several issues now including his own spin-off, has escaped and teamed up prisoner Rygel who he helped escape. Looks like Roiin and Chianna are going to rendé vous with the others. Plus a rygel flashback featuring long deceased Zhaan, praying and talking about the Kkore, has revealed a weakness in their plans. Scorpius could well be the saviour of the galaxy! We've already witnessed several major characters from the show die, I wonder who will live to the end of this event?
Below Chriton explains the reason they are loosing with some classic, bonkers, Farscape dialogue.

Farscape #16 Farscape #16 Reviewed by Matt on 04:37:00 Rating: 5

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