DC Comics April 27th 2011 Part 2
The Flash #11
The road to Flashpoint part 3. It's another great read. I really don't see the point of the intervention, other than Bart getting annoyed and trying to get Barry into trouble via shit-stirring.

Hot pursuit later tells Barry that Bart has to go back to his own time, and zaps him away. The young kid who was the only eye witness at the last crime scene, the one that Patty is tasked with looking after this time around turns out to be the Reverse Flash gathering energy by stealing peoples time. He is cooking up something big, and I'm willing to bet it's the Flashpoint itself. Elsewhere we also discover that Patty has come back because she has feelings for Barry.
Really getting me excited for Flashpoint now. A lot of premises being set up already. Kid Flash is in his own "Lost in Time" mini series I think? Great story telling and rather intense build up for an event I know very little about but am really excited for.
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #9
War of the Green Lanterns Part Six. Still learning how to use the different coloured rings...

...the four Lanterns make their way to the power battery to remove the evil yellow crap and get there by going underground only to pass by the actual forging furnace for the green rings and pick up a souvenir of the first ever green ring (Krona's gauntlet) that was kept in a display case along with other relics from early Green Lantern pre-history. John and Kyle split off and go to stop Mogo shooting out mass produced rings to every sector, while Hal and Guy head on to the Power battery only to walk into a trap.
Nice artwork, everyones ring characteristics beginning to shine through their behavior and dialogue, really well written and delving into the corps past in intriguing ways. Not as cool a cliff hanger as previous weeks but still pretty awesome stuff to look forward to. After the four of them have spent a few issues together again it's good to see them split up, it'll give a few stories to bounce between again.
Justice League Generation Lost #24
The last of the three over sized books this week. Now whereas Brightest Day had a rather stunted everything is back to normal ending, bar a few small moments of interest, this story is all action and definitely a great climax. We are reminded of everything in the series so far that has led to the building of Omac Prime, we get plenty of action in the fist fights both on the ground and up above with Booster and Max fist fighting without powers. These aren't just mere brawls though, there is ingenuity and smart writing going on here as to why and how they are fighting such differing strong opponents. Not to mention great moments for each character especially Red Rockets comedy and just all round fan favorite Blue Beetle who outsmarts the OMAC in the end.

Atom's issues with his humanity are finalised by him making the realisation himself that he is a real human and proving it by making Max reveal himself to the world before being shot through time by his over use of power.
Despite saving the day, stopping the OMAC, saving Wonder Woman and revealing Max there is a sense that they have lost as he still has control of Checkmate and essentially got away scott free- even going so far as to clear the teams names and publicly condone there actions as super heroes. Batman and Booster decide it isn't over and it looks like we have gained a Justice League International ongoing series out of this great maxi series. I really hope it is the same writer and artist team. There is a sure story to continue out of this and not just a bunch of slight changes that fell lack luster, out of the main Brightest Day title.
As a finale this book made full use of the higher page count, it had a high pace and felt like the final moments of a rather epic action film. Great scope for dramatic framing and timing from both writer and artist. This is going to make a great trade and I'm so glad I have all the single issues of this book, cant wait for the start of the ongoing.
Xombi #2
Xombi, Catholic Girl, Nun the Less and Nun of the Above fight off the hallowe'en kids...

...then Xombi and The Rustling Husk follow the broken out prisoner and the person who released him to a nearby garden centre via a portal. It was a woman who freed the Mr. Hyde and she was doing it as she was being blackmailed and wanted something in return. Only she may have stolen the wrong person. When asked to change out of his Mr. Hyde form he it turns out the beast he was was nothing compared to what he would turn into.
For a story with roots in religion and folklore not to give any offense in doing so is rare but I do enjoy this one. I aren't too invested in the story so far. It's a fun read but there's no character or story that's fully pulled me in yet.
The road to Flashpoint part 3. It's another great read. I really don't see the point of the intervention, other than Bart getting annoyed and trying to get Barry into trouble via shit-stirring.

Really getting me excited for Flashpoint now. A lot of premises being set up already. Kid Flash is in his own "Lost in Time" mini series I think? Great story telling and rather intense build up for an event I know very little about but am really excited for.
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #9
War of the Green Lanterns Part Six. Still learning how to use the different coloured rings...

Why would you choose the ring of compassion to go to war with..?
Nice artwork, everyones ring characteristics beginning to shine through their behavior and dialogue, really well written and delving into the corps past in intriguing ways. Not as cool a cliff hanger as previous weeks but still pretty awesome stuff to look forward to. After the four of them have spent a few issues together again it's good to see them split up, it'll give a few stories to bounce between again.
Justice League Generation Lost #24
The last of the three over sized books this week. Now whereas Brightest Day had a rather stunted everything is back to normal ending, bar a few small moments of interest, this story is all action and definitely a great climax. We are reminded of everything in the series so far that has led to the building of Omac Prime, we get plenty of action in the fist fights both on the ground and up above with Booster and Max fist fighting without powers. These aren't just mere brawls though, there is ingenuity and smart writing going on here as to why and how they are fighting such differing strong opponents. Not to mention great moments for each character especially Red Rockets comedy and just all round fan favorite Blue Beetle who outsmarts the OMAC in the end.

Another favorite character of mine.
Despite saving the day, stopping the OMAC, saving Wonder Woman and revealing Max there is a sense that they have lost as he still has control of Checkmate and essentially got away scott free- even going so far as to clear the teams names and publicly condone there actions as super heroes. Batman and Booster decide it isn't over and it looks like we have gained a Justice League International ongoing series out of this great maxi series. I really hope it is the same writer and artist team. There is a sure story to continue out of this and not just a bunch of slight changes that fell lack luster, out of the main Brightest Day title.
As a finale this book made full use of the higher page count, it had a high pace and felt like the final moments of a rather epic action film. Great scope for dramatic framing and timing from both writer and artist. This is going to make a great trade and I'm so glad I have all the single issues of this book, cant wait for the start of the ongoing.
Xombi #2
Xombi, Catholic Girl, Nun the Less and Nun of the Above fight off the hallowe'en kids...

Kicking kids is cool!
For a story with roots in religion and folklore not to give any offense in doing so is rare but I do enjoy this one. I aren't too invested in the story so far. It's a fun read but there's no character or story that's fully pulled me in yet.
DC Comics April 27th 2011 Part 2
Reviewed by Matt

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