Shelfies! A Look at My Collection
I've done a brief article about what I'm reading HERE. Where I wrote about my pull list and what my tastes are. So I figured, why not follow that up with a tour of my collection and Studio space. I've been meaning to do this for a while and someone requested it and reminded me!
First my studio space, I do freelance art work and also self publish comics myself. This is where the magic happens. You can check out my work by clicking that big colourful banner at the top of the page or clicking HERE. If you want to buy any of my comics or prints I have a store HERE. Those Ikea shelves are a godsend and are so cheap it's unreal. 10/10 would recommend.
There are prints on the wall of Marvel Comics #1, a Saga cover by Fiona Staples, the original art of a Chloe Noonan Monster Hunter cover by Marc Ellerby (an Indie artist that I love!), Declan Shalvey's Daredevil print, and another Marc Ellerby comics page.
The desk that I work at, and my view into my tiny back garden. There are tonnes of postcards and mini prints around the window. Some are my own and lots are for inspiration.
Again lots of prints on the wall, and the cupboard there is chock full of more shelving for comics.
I've been a buyer of the Marvel Collector Corps boxes since the start. I've got an article about it HERE. There's a tonne of old Star Wars extended Universe books on those shelves. Which reminds me: I must write an article about the pros and cons of Extended Universes! There are two build a bears that belong to my girlfriend, dressed as Cap and Thor.
More prints on this wall, Not all of them very visible. There's the Chip Zdarsky Wic Div variant cover signed by Gillen and McKelvie. A Spider Gwen print, a Paul Duffiel print, Ray Gun Roads print by Tunney and an Adventure time print.
There's also a hamster called Loki!
On to the collectibles. Marty and Doc Vinyl Idols, Greg Capullo Commissioner Gordon. I totally need more of those. I've been eyeing up the Riddler and Zero Year Batman not to mention the upcoming Batgirl of Burnside figure.
There is my set of Inside Out Pixar figures, that I got in Disneyland Paris and the Umbrella Academy set.
I have an Arrow book end that I keep a lot of my favourite indie titles in.
Most of my Funko Pops are in this room. There's also the Star Wars droid factory toy I built at Disneyland.
More Pops. Most are from the Collector Corps box but a lot of them have been gifts or impulse buys. That rolled up print behind them is the gorgeous Back to the Future print by Mondo that I've yet to find room for!
A few Marvel Legends. I've still got a huge box of loose Marvel Legends at my parents house that could do with coming to my own house now! There's a couple of Dorbz there too.
The Star Wars Die Cast Black Series toys are stunning sculpts and I really just wanted a tiny Rey and BB8 then went a bit crazy.
There's a bunch of Marvel bear I got when my local comic shop was having a sale a while back.
This is my Image comics shelving. On my last sort out I was surprised by how many Image books I now own. Also A little Luigi and Finn ad Jake from Adventure Time.
The central shelf is the first half of my X-men collection. It was my first love and I will always love it no matter how over the top and crazy it gets.
The last shelf is more X-men and mutant solo books.
Now into the huge cupboard space behind those posters... This lot is all of the rest of my Marvel books.
And on the left of those are all of my DC books. Also theres that HUGE Madman book which just doesn't fit anywhere.
There's far too many comics, and I'm well overdue for a clear out.
Downstairs now, and a few DVD's first. Indies mostly.
DC mostly and....
Marvel and it's titles at other studios.
90's X-men (which got me into comics). Baymax, baby groot and Spider-man pop
More 90's x-men and awesome cartoons. Rick and Morty is SO GOOD! Clone Wars is a really good cartoon and not at all for kids. Doctor Who Pop!
All the Supernatural series. I'm a late convert, thanks to my GF. I got her the Pops for Christmas and Valentines Day.
This obviously isn't all of my collection, It's just the bulk of it. I'm obsessed with USA and have a NYC themed living room, and a dozen complete sitcoms on DVD too.
Some more nerdy shelving. I totally forgot to put in the bulk of my art books from our second bedroom too but there's a few in here with Supergods, Untold History of Marvel and Image Studio space.
Some more Star Wars art books and Comics. I'm trying to gather al the Dark Horse Omnibuses that I can before they're gone for good.
I hope you've enjoyed this look around my collection and frankly awful hoarding habits. Everywhere I look there's more nerdyness and I'm so glad my GF accepts and embraces the bulk of it. Thanks for reading!
What's in your collection?
Shelfies! A Look at My Collection
Reviewed by Matt

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