April Awards

At the end of a very good week I'm going to find this very hard to not give all the awards to stuff I've literally just put down after reading. Seriously what a good week and moth for stories.

Character of the month: This one is pretty easy for me and I know it's a bit of a cop out but Mark from Infinite Vacation as there are so many alternate versions of him! It's just so funny the variety and humour coming through the book.

Team of the month: Seen as their finale beat the crap out of their sister title, and this is the last week (for some time) that I will be able to give them this award, the Justice League International!

Cover of the month: Infinite Vacation #2 as the girl on it is drawn amazingly well. The colour use, textures and patterns is just perfect.

Story of the month: The Uncanny X-Force for doing the first ever interesting Deathlok story, and kinda making him part of the same "World" program that spawned weapon X etc.

Art of the month: Jock on Detective Comics for that killer whale start to the story. Fabulous art and a great mood setter for a fun, enjoyable mystery.

Surprise of the month: The Thunderbolts that made the Beta team. Just such strange choices. I hope they can balance the two teams in one book well though, they've managed so far.

Best single issue of the month: iZombie #12 with Hernandez's art in. I hate to see this title drawn by anyone but Allred but this I can live with, and also thoroughly geek out over.

Best over all title of the month: I would have gone with Detective but I already gave that an award, so I go with a title which has been consistently good for a long while now. Since Big Time started in fact. Yep I went with The Amazing Spider-man. Great writing for a large cast and I love all of the rotating artists.

Crap of the month: Dark Horse presents #1 as it had a lot to live up to and I really didn't think it was worth the huge cover price. There was a couple of decent reads but it was swamped with so-so stories and nothing really jumped out as having longevity to the ongoing stories.

Random award of the month: Biggest over use of splash pages of the month: Brightest Day #24, The last page was warranted, John Constantine in mainstream DC is a HUGE thing. 3 splash pages in quick succession for the fight between Giant Swamp thing and evil Swamp thing really was pathetic. Plus turning the comic sideways hasn't been cool since the 90's so please just don't ever do that again, some poor sod that buys that in a trade hardcover isn't going to be able to see all that image anyway. It's over used them during it's entire run and made me feel like it could have been about an 8 issue series if it didn't prat around with them and the pointless sub plots.

And that's our 3 month-aversary. I'm going to buy the blog a bouquet of flowers and take it away for a romantic weekend. Sorry for getting behind again. You know they make it online eventually... I already have next weeks books sat here and a pile of Free Comic Book Day books ready for reading plus it's release day again tomorrow. Eep best get a move on.
April Awards April Awards Reviewed by Matt on 03:46:00 Rating: 5

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