Indie Comics May 11th 2011

Farscape #18
I enjoy the book each time but anyone who didn't watch Farscape when it was on tv would struggle to understand the cast of characters which is growing exponentially each issue. There is no pay off to all the build up this issue, leaving it feeling a little weak we do learn that Noranti is dying as her younger body is now reverting to it's old one yet again. Also Scorpius and Rygel reach Delvia and deliver the news that the Kkore have returned. They are granted an audience out of the shock of their leader and also because Stark, one of my favorite characters from the show is on the planet with the leader. Cant wait for more action with him.
Apart from checking in with each of the main cast there is just more build up to the greater fight at the end, a lot of rallying the troops with people that can barely hold a gun.

I'm really looking forward to the conclusion of War for the Uncharted Territories and how it will leave the Scaper universe afterwards.
Indie Comics May 11th 2011 Indie Comics May 11th 2011 Reviewed by Matt on 04:07:00 Rating: 5

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