Farscape #17

Rygel and Scorpius escaped from the Kkore last issue and now they are heading towards the one thing that Scorpius thinks can stop them. Yep it's a solo story for Rygel and Scorpius, I would never have expected that, but then again the show loved the weird alliances. I still love the idea that it was the long deceased Zhaan that told Rygel about the legends of the Kkore, it's just a nice touch to the long time Scaper fans! Plus a typical Rygel moment when he lets Scorpy know that he can work the ships controls 3 days after they set off, because he didn't want to be made to pilot. Laziness at it's extremes. They are attacked by drones and crash land on a water planet, which leads to Rygel saving Scorpies life. Another great twist moment. I often forget that Rygel is amphibian and now I'm having weird flash backs to a kinda odd looking CGI moment where he swam in the show. They make it to a desert island and Rygel has to give Scorpy mouth to mouth- which makes this the second time i've posted about freaky looking characters giving each other CPR.

Scorpius has again kept precise knowledge from those he is with to give them a reason to keep himself alive. Very believable and I actually cant believe how well this continues everything over from the show. Grunchlk rescues them after hearing a distress signal and they are on the way to the big resistance led by Aeryn Sun. But Scorpius tells them they must stop on Delvia first to get the weapon that can stop the Kkore. I do look forward to this title each month, it really does feel like proper Farscape each issue and not just some shoddy cash-in-on-a-TV-show-comics. The art really suits it as well. I'm getting to be quite a fan of Will Sliney on the Eclectic Micks blog. He has an all digital but yet still retro looking style, that captures each character perfectly.
Farscape #17 Farscape #17 Reviewed by Matt on 04:49:00 Rating: 5

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