The Annihilators #1

D'n'A show more outstanding space writing skills with this double feature. Half Annihilators half Rocket Raccoon and Groot.
In the Annihilation half we get the aftermath of the Thanos story and whatever kind of giant size aftermath issue it was that set up the Annihilators as a group. That robot thing that turned up was actually a woman named Ikon in a suit of armour, and she shows them all that the team isn't going to work by beating them up, and saying they were scared to use their true power sets so as not to cause damage. She wants to join the team to atone for her species not helping enough during the phalanx conquest, which leads me to another point- isn't it weird how characters in the books refer to the events by the book or story title? A good example would be in the Young X-men stuff, were they do danger room scenarios that are named in-book by the title of the story. Who brought that into being? It's a clever idea and all but it just feels weird...
Then just as they talk themselves out of doing the team altogether a power surge in the lower levels gets there attention. They go to investigate and it's the new big bad, Dr. Dredd! Brilliant name there. He unveils a cloaked black star which blocks the sun of Galador, Ikon's planet. Without the sun some demons get their powers back and duh duh duh cliff hanger.
Meanwhile in the Rocket Raccoon and Groot story, after the loss of Star Lord and Nova the team has split and gone back to day jobs. Rocket Raccoon working as a mail delivery boy in a intergalactic call centre. 'Nuff Said.

He gets into trouble with his supervisor because he isn't meant to have mail sent to himself there. After checking up on this mysterious package it turns out to be a homicidal clown (of course) and it tries to kill him. So he gets fired. The clown was made of sentient wood so he tracks down Groot for help. Turns out Groot was never the king of his planet just some unruly youth who ran away and upon returning was punished for treason. Genuinely says he was found guilty of TREE-SON. Next month: Free the tree!
The Annihilators #1 The Annihilators #1 Reviewed by Matt on 07:15:00 Rating: 5

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