Batman Beyond #3

Very lovely cover art, again it's my love for halftone dots and the colour green. His family wasn't turned to copper they were just coated in it apparently. This new Matter Master seems to be using his imagination more than the original ones. He's already using his powers to cut off peoples oxygen and poison the air. During the fight Bruce is getting distracted from his usual bossiness by news reports about Dick Grayson's previous Nightwing identity being revealed. Kind of a shame that they didn't reveal him as a Batman, so that this future could be set in stone for the future of the DC universe. Instead of setting this up as a side story, a what if-? It's a shame because the far superior Batman Beyond mini series prior to this was a lot better and set it up as a possible future.
As the story continues, the Matter Master is beating the Justice League far too easily, until Batman boots him in the face and his powers go all goofy- he can now covert things without touching them and control as well as transmute.
Then as his powers go into overload, Batman rallies the Justice League into doing what he says and saves the day. It works and the Justice League extend and invitation to join, Bruce says no over the headset until McGinnis lays out some conditions.

Does Bruce feel like a grouchy over the top old man now? Yes. Is he an easily persuaded, push-over? Yes. So this book doesn't really work anymore. Unless this is the point were Bruce no longer needs to teach McGinnis, that was going to happen eventually.
This future Justice League feels too week. They don't work together and just take it in turns to be batted away by the villain. I preferred the prior mini series as it was better written. This new ongoing feels to much like a kids tv show, where it's just one villain per week and it all ends happy happy. I'm all for a lighter Batman story but not at the expense of good story telling.
Batman Beyond #3 Batman Beyond #3 Reviewed by Matt on 08:34:00 Rating: 5

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