DC Comics Mar 23rd 2011 Part 2

War of the Green Lanterns Part 1: Green Lantern #64:
Quite an explosive blockbuster start. An incredibly large amount set up in the first in the GL crossover event. All of Hal Jordans ring spectrum gang have been absorbed into the book of the black. Which leads to the most random use of the rings I've seen so far...

Ring power librarian!

Krona has resurfaced and brought the entity of each emotion along too. He has each one posses a GL guardian and the yellow entity fly back into the main GL power source on Oa. Which drives all the corps crazy and they start fighting amongst themselves. Which is bad news for Hal as he was been confronted by several GL corps members who where their to arrest him for allying himself with other coloured corps. He escapes with the rings of each of the members that where absorbed into the book of the black. A great rather epic set up to a galactic sized series. I just hope the tempo stays this high across each title during the event!

War of the Green Lanterns Part 2: Green Lantern Corps #58:
Yes it stays just as high tempo through this book too. Plus seen as I aren't an expert on GL stories I was given enough back story in the first couple of pages as I would need to enjoy the book to it's fullest. So thanks for planning for new readers! This book is centric to Kyle Rayner and John Stewart. They manage to remove their rings before they get infected by Krona's influence through the central power battery and Guardian Ganthet helps them escape by allowing himself to be captured.

Don't worry he's 'armless!
Someone give him a hand!
Is he giving you the finger?!
(Delete as appropriate)

Roll on next issue, this story is bloody addictive and well planned. Plus for once it feels like multiple titles with different centric characters is going to work really well.

Also I just realised I must have missed the last issue of Supergirl so I'm going to acquire that and then read it before this one. Oops. Also sorry for the delays in getting these reviews online. I had a busy weekend.
DC Comics Mar 23rd 2011 Part 2 DC Comics Mar 23rd 2011 Part 2 Reviewed by Matt on 07:50:00 Rating: 5

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