Brightest Day #21

Yeah it's that time again, Brightest Day: Mars attacks! Looks like the Justice League is finally trying to help these characters that are in trouble. The Atom has found the ashes of the Hawks, they are aware of Firestorm imploding and they are helping with recovery on the site of the Aquawar. Then on the beach hundreds of distress calls come in from world wide, loads of natural disasters, as huge black clouds roll in. This is the first time i've felt actual suspense in this book since way back, early on when Deadman was learning to live.
Now on Mars the Martian Manhunter and that D'Kay alien are arguing over her making him believe she was his wife. She then believes she is pregnant, only to be proven false two panels later. What's the point of teasing us with genuinely interesting stories if we just go back to the norm? Also they are over using splash pages again, this time its a bit more essential though as J'onn floods her mind with the voices of earth. It looks great and warrants the space. In the end J'onn realises the only thing he can do is kill her and flies them both into the sun. Which is how most arguments end these days.

He is then resurrected by the white lantern ring and flies off in a white costume. The ring tells him to choose his home Earth or Mars. He flies off to Earth. He comes back to Earth and finds the Star city, surrounding the forest in flames with volcanoes busting out etc. Deadman and the ring show up and J'onn explains he knows that Deadman cant help what it's doing and excepts his fate. It doesn't blast him to dust instead it opens up the Earth and it absorbs him "... The Earth has accepted you".
Two single splash pages and 3 double. Plus half the time there are only a couple of panels per page. The pacing is messed up although the splash pages this time do they are meant for.
Brightest Day #21 Brightest Day #21 Reviewed by Matt on 03:19:00 Rating: 5

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