Thunderbolts #154

The board is reviewing the use of The Man-Thing as transport for the Thunderbolts missions. Luke Cage sticks up for him, but they wish to see the creature anyway. After they've gone and as the guards on his habitat change, the knew guard isn't who he seems. As soon as this is discovered it seems that Man-Thing has removed his tracking teleport device too and gone with whoever it was who freed him.
He was freed by an old sorceress friend of Doctor Strange, and she took him back to his swamp in the Everglades as some creatures had come through a gateway into our world and needed sending back as they were killing people. After he's sent them packing he casually just teleports back to his cell in Thunderbolts tower. The sorceress tries to plead with him to come back but they end up making a deal with the Thunderbolts,
I didn't know Man-Things back story either, but he was Ted Sallis, a government scientist working for S.H.I.E.L.D. trying to recreate the Captain America serum.

Hell yeah!

In the end the board of directors actually love how Man-Thing came back and how useful he is, the only problem is they hate how vulnerable to attack by magic the Thunderbolts tower is. So they get Doctor Strange himself in on the staff to sort that out. Excellent! This book is getting so many big names it wont be long till it's up there and counted as an Avengers title, it certainly feels that way already. Also I really love Shalvey's art. I think we had a filler artist last issue but I really love his style. I think it's all digital too as there is no inker listed. Check him out in the Eclectic Micks art blog.
Thunderbolts #154 Thunderbolts #154 Reviewed by Matt on 02:53:00 Rating: 5

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