Venom #1

Continuing straight out of the last 6 or so Spidey issues, and now on his 3rd mission. Flash-Venom is being dropped into a mission where, Jack O' Lantern is testing new weapons on a middle eastern village and has already taken out a squad of Iron-men U.N. soldiers. Again he let's his anger get the better of him and the Venom symbiote takes over again. We get a bit of dialogue between Flash and the Symbiote that proves quite interesting, an internal struggle. He completes his mission but kills the man he was meant to bring in, the only other choice being let the bad guys have him. He gets warned back in the lab that his superior was seconds away from hitting the kill switch. He returns home and gets told off by his wife too who thinks the only reason he could be gone for days at a time is he is drinking again. He clearly cant let her in on the whole Venom operation. There is quite a touching moment towards the end where, we hear about Flash's father's drinking problem.

On the whole this book was a bit of a let down, after reading Dan Slott's version in the main Spidey book. It just felt more fun and believable, whereas this seems forced and the art is less detailed, and more confusing at times, especially the war scenes. You can tell what they were going for but it's more of a swing and a miss. I preferred this story when it was a part of or back up in the main book.
Venom #1 Venom #1 Reviewed by Matt on 07:21:00 Rating: 5

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