Li'l Depressed Boy #2

"I'm feeling so up, I could do a care bear stare." Seems he isn't so depressed anymore. He realises he doesn't know the girl he's being dating's name after 1 and a half dates. You've got to love the dialogue between the boy and his mate, Drew Blood (cool pun). This really just oozes adorable dorkiness. It's adorkable. Especially the gun fight with the Zombies as the Boy tries to persuade Weird girl that Zombies are cool. Very reminiscent of Spaced. Also there is a great bit were Boy doesn't like using second hand stuff as he's scared someone died in it. It's called the death feeling, and he gets the spider-sense squiggles as he has it. AMAZING.

This is like a love story that has every aspect of nerd culture covered. Like a broader Scott Pilgrim. The pair take their date to the bowling alley next and as Boy is so bad at it they decide to play for style points instead of pins, which is exactly what it sounds like:

Then we finally find out that "weird girl" is called Jazz. I really like this story, and if you aren't intending to buy it I would recommend looking for it online as it is originally a web comic. This book even has pretty decent back up stuff. Fan art, gallery and Little LDB strip is all just adding up to make this even more enjoyable.
Li'l Depressed Boy #2 Li'l Depressed Boy #2 Reviewed by Matt on 06:35:00 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Oh hey, I almost forgot but I have a peice of fanart that I gave Mr. Struble permission to publish :D

    This is it:


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