DC Comics 16th Mar 2011 Part 2

Knight and Squire #6
The last issue in the series. The Joker, dragging along the terminally ill Jarvis Poker the British Joker, is continuing his superhero slayings.

They've had enough and all the Brits, good and bad team up to send messages to the Joker through the cameras in his mind controlling Joker masks. All to send him to the magical pub where you can't hurt each other. They use their smarts and send him packing back to Arkham. It did kind of tie together full circle, so I will take back my whining about the single issue stories from earlier in the run. I just wish the British depictions, even though they are a joke on how Americans think we are, weren't so awfully grey and stereotypical. It's alright saying they are a joke but EVERY American sitcom and show does the same joke (The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Arrested Development, 30 Rock and so on and so on) It's not so much a parody now as it is labeling what they should think of us. It's like a given thing in text-book American writing to do a "British" episode or character that is some turn of the century, drinking tea with the Queen, top hat wearing, cockney, Londoner. Bored of it now. I prefer Cornell's Captain Britain and MI13 any day! It's just super heroes in a different setting with an emphasis on our folklore. That's how it should be done.

Superman # 708
Now it's the Flash's turn to feature in the flailing, dying animal that is "Grounded". He is under mind control by some teaching apparatus that beams thoughts straight into peoples minds, and is reciting Kryptonian history whilst dressing up the town in Colorado in Kryptonian dress to match scenes from history. Superman catches up to him and removes the band then they grab a bite to eat in a diner.

There's a nice nod to the Superboy/ Kid Flash race on the diner TV as well. Not to mention bringing back Superman's doubts about the legacy he will leave behind only to have him chat to the Flash about all the people they have both inspired. It's nice when books like this tie the DC universe together as a whole. Really gets you thinking about the actual future of the characters. There are some good moments in "Grounded" and it's never as bad as people say, sure sometimes they act out of character, but this book is all about Superman rediscovering himself. It succeeds at what it sets out to do.

Xombi #1
Lots of humourous bonkers things are happening across the world. It's a warning. The randomness in this issue and the dialogue is perfect. Cents talking to someone from in their hand. Xombi is full of nano machines that seem to be able to do anything. Not allowing his body to waste a single thing and also allowing him to transmute materials. Xombi is asked to guard a prisoner with Nun of the Above. Yes that's her name.

They go to this bizarre miniaturised prison and find all of the prisoners dead minus the one who Xombie was asked to watch, whom is missing. Then they find themselves attacked by Snow Angels and kid's in unconvincing Halloween costumes. Thus making this, by far the most intriguing first issue I've ever read. So weird and yet coherently written plus it's Fraser Irving's art so you know it's good. I urge you to go buy this and read the randomness for yourself.
DC Comics 16th Mar 2011 Part 2 DC Comics 16th Mar 2011 Part 2 Reviewed by Matt on 03:36:00 Rating: 5

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