DC Comics 16th Mar 2011 Part 1

Adveture Comics #524
After being told off last issue the spoiled brat decides he is going to go see what happened to his Dad to have his cards cancelled. So he sneaks off and steals a legion spaceship to go to his home world.

This place should be on an episode of Cribs.

Only to be attacked by some old gang thats back together. Wow these stories are getting dull, it wouldn't be as bad if these were actual legionnaires that are well known but they aren't. It's legion Academy. Think I'll stop buying the Legion stuff now.
The thing that got me interested in Legion comics were the Final Crisis 3 worlds story line, as it was really well done, and the characters shone through. When the newest Legion title started it compromised the immense detail and content of the 3 worlds comic by being a 30-40 page comic each month. That worked as it had a similar amount of content, but what with the cut back to just 20 pages and the branching out into Legion Academy stories in the partner title- Adventure comics, which I couldn't care less about. I dunno it just doesn't have the magic that I liked at first. It takes a lot to stop my from reading a title, but I honestly give up! Might as well drop a few titles to make room for all the Flashpoint and Fear itself.

Batman #708

Azrael's sword wound through Dick Grayson, Batman's heart, is occasionally giving him random flashbacks of warped versions of his own past. He's about to look up the circus performer "Prodigy" online when a bad guy named the Crusader is attacking some street in Gotham, so he rushes down there and teams up with Catwoman and Red Robin to stop it, when Azrael himself shows up showing some sign of control over Crusader. They sprout some bible nonsense about being worthy and then give them 24 hours to prove they are, or all of them will be deemed unworthy. Meanwhile some scientist are putting the finishing touches to a villain called Fireball to make him a living suicide bomber. It's Ra's Al Ghul and his Angels of death behind this test they are putting the heroes through. Plus this continues into Red Robin #22, which I probably wont be getting. As a story the premise was great but then the development and furthering led to complications and as this was the first part of the story I spent most of it trying to figure out where these characters and previous plot points had come from as they weren't recent as far as I can tell. Art is great, loose and yet detailed, reminded me of Paul Pope's Batman story, and the subtle change in colouring makes the artwork ideal for the dreamscape sequence. Probably wont get the next part as with it crossing over I would miss too much of the story.

Brightest Day #22
Firestorm is in the Anti-Monitor's universe where he had been years before for one of the Crisis events.

The white lantern and the 12 black lantern versions of the returned heroes and villains are being confronted by him. It's the usual over doing of splash pages, and cheesy dialogue in an attempt to let us build our own suspense, seen as the story seem incapable of doing so. The black lantern Firestorm kills the Professor and then just as Firestorm is ready to charge in and save Jason's dad, we get the usual flash of white and the lantern saying everything was completed his dad is fine and the Professor stays dead. They've been teleported to the Star city forest and Deadman approaches them, he needs the lantern or the Earth will perish. So yeah more over the top nonsense. Unnecessary fighting leading to an unsatisfying to be continued, formulaic ending. Is that all of the characters done now. A full issue of nonsense each and then can we get on with the story? Please? This better have a good pay off. 26 bloody issues of nonsense. Yet this still has better sales than JL Generation Lost. Where's the Justice?!
DC Comics 16th Mar 2011 Part 1 DC Comics 16th Mar 2011 Part 1 Reviewed by Matt on 03:35:00 Rating: 5

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