Justice League: Generation Lost #21

The death toll for this series has reached 1014 with the death of Blue Beetle. Booster is grieving Beetle's death while Captain Atom is trying to get Ice to say "I told you so" because she was right that people would get hurt. Rocket Red and Fire are dealing in their own ways, Rocket is re-programming his armour and Fire is, well, snogging him. He asks why and she says it's because he makes her smile.

We all love ya, ya crazy Russian!

Captain Atom is starting to have Dr. Manhattan-from-Watchmen-like feelings as he feels unattached from the human race. He no longer sleeps, eats, feels or can die, so he feels he cannot pay for what he's done. During a crisis of conscience, Booster, who is worried about where his role as leader has got them, the rest of the League tell him he's done great. He says that they will keep getting beat until they get the upper hand to beat Max Lord with, when Blue Beetle walks in and tells them they can stop him. Yes the recently decease, shot through the head, Beetle. Firstly, thank gawd because I do love him so. Secondly I hope they were going somewhere with this otherwise the last 3 issues were entirely filler and the pacing is getting dodgy towards the finale. This has been a great series so far, a much better than the Brightest day sister title. I heartily endorse this product!
Justice League: Generation Lost #21 Justice League: Generation Lost #21 Reviewed by Matt on 05:46:00 Rating: 5

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