Spidergirl #3

I have heard good things about Tobin's writing on the Adventure line. So I'm glad he's writing a story I feel like I can pick up now. Spidergirl is already in my good books for a number of reasons. They dare to kill off her father so early into the run. They have rooted her stories deep into the Marvel universe already, by giving her a history with the Fantastic Four, Spiderman and a long team up with the Red Hulk. The tweeting thought boxes are very clever. Plus you can follow Spidergirl on actual twitter, done by Tobin and usually full of teasers the day before release.
My favorite panels this week are a little sequence after the Red Hulk has landed on someone's roof. Just the little cut-away to the interior put a smile on my face.

Spidergirl #3 Spidergirl #3 Reviewed by Matt on 04:50:00 Rating: 5

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