X-men: To Serve and Protect #4

The last of the anthology mini series. I EFFING LOVE ANTHOLOGY COMICS!!! The break out story that was the first and only one to run through all four issues, the Anole and Rockslide story where they have been breaking out of Utopia for weeks and coming to mainland San Fransisco to fight petty crime. The art is amazing and the story is littered with funnies. The last three panels pretty much sum it all up:

Also this week Gambit hits on Hellcat in a bar and Dazzler takes on M.O.D.O.K. which also looks amazing, really underground comic feel to it.

Then newly amnesiac Hercules gets Psylocke into bed only to find out he's already shagged her and she slaps him in the face for not remembering, straight after saying she is unforgettable.

So weird and random, but in a week filled with three funerals I think I needed a bit of slapstick! Light hearted fun.
X-men: To Serve and Protect #4 X-men: To Serve and Protect #4 Reviewed by Matt on 03:56:00 Rating: 5

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